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Thursdays and Fridays
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM


Sunday Service of Worship
is at 10:30am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 818 7100 4026
Passcode: 882513


Tuesday Fellowship Meetings
on Zoom

Our Tuesday Fellowship Group has suspended
meetings indefinitely.
Many thanks to those who participated, and a
special thanks to Ron Lievendag for coming up with
this idea.



YOUTH GROUP  - To Be determined – contact The Fellowship Director –

Debbie Eitel for more information and youth group events.


Deacons - 12:00 PM—First Sunday
each Month

7:30 PM - Finance - Second Tuesday each Month.

The other committees meet at different times and different days depending on their needs-no set time or day. 

Session - 12:00 PM—Third Sunday
each Month

Prayer Shawl Ministry– 7:30 PM
Second & Fourth Wednesday

Women’s Circle Meetings

Grace Circle - Fourth Tuesday of each month - 2:00 PM
Joy Circle - Second Thursday of
each month
1:00 PM - Parlor



Men’s Bible Study Group

A men's Bible study group is meeting every Thursday evening at 7 PM.   During this time we will discuss Bible passages as well as current issues that concern men.  Everyone is welcome and feel free to bring friends to share in our discussions.

Bible Study 

We are proud to offer bible study twice weekly, where all are welcomed
to learn more about the Bible:
• Pastor's Lectienary Bible Study-Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. in the
Pastor's Study
• Friday Morning Bible Study- at 10:30 a.m. in the Parlor 

During this time we discuss passages in the Bible, magazine articles, devotionals, and DVDs and share our thoughts about what the article means to us.  We welcome everyone whether you are a member or a guest of the church.



 Thinking of joining Boy Scouts? Tired of being bored with nothing to do? Would you like to be having fun with a group of your friends? We can make that happen!

Greenlawn/Centerport Pack 877 is inviting your son to join Cub Scouting. In Cub
Scouts, your son will have lots of fun, learn new things and make new friends. But
Cub Scouts is much more than that; it is Jun with a purpose.
Scouting is a family-oriented organization.
Scouting develops character, leadership, communications skills and good
Any boy in grades 1 through 5 can be a Cub Scout!

If you'd like to learn more about Cub Scouts, please contact:
Rob Butler
Pack 877 Cubmaster
(516) 359-8116

Scott Cohen
Pack 877 Committee Chair
(516) 987-7878


Since starting Cell Phones for Soldiers  
in 2004, teens Brittany and
Robbie Bergquist
have raised millions of dollars to help our heroes call home.
Proceeds from donated cell phones are used to purchase prepaid calling cards
for American soldiers. Please donate
your newer cell Phones, BlackBerries, iPhones & iPods and join the millions of Americans who have already answered the call to:
“ Help Our Heroes Call Home.”
(CellPhones For

A box for your donations can be found
in the Narthex.
With thanks the Missions Committee.


From Our Fellowship Director:


As Fellowship Director I will be starting a new “Ride Share” program
  If you would like to be on this list to get a ride to a specific church event \Please let me know
Also ~ if you are willing to “GIVE” a ride to someone on the “Ride Share” list Please let me know as well
We will be trying to pair up people based on
your location/home address

For more info – Please contact me, 
Debbie Eitel, by leaving a message at the church office.


FOOD PANTRY NEWS     You may call the church office at (631) 261-2150 to arrange for a grocery bag pick-up.  Please leave a message; we will get back to you.
     One of our Deacons learned of a local food pantry that was desperately in need of food.  We were happy to share some of the food in our pantry for the benefit of the greater community.

As you shop for food for your family!
Cereal, fruit juices, pasta, pasta sauces, and
salad dressings are
currently needed.

The Deacons thank you for your continuing
generosity and support!

The Board of Deacons is grateful to all of our church members who have helped to keep our pantry shelves stocked.  There is an on-going need for toilet paper, paper towels, cereal, canned fruit, pasta and sauces. 
Cash donations can also be used by the Deacons to
fill in items that need to be purchased.


The Board of Deacons has established
hours of operation
 for our Food Pantry since the number of
visits to the pantry
has increased over the past year.  
The new hours are Monday-Wednesday-Friday
from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm
There is an ongoing need for cereal
and pasta.
Thanks to all of you who remember our pantry each week as you shop for your family.

The number of visitors to our Food Pantry has been on
the rise over the past year




Call For Coupons!
For the Deacon Food Pantry
~ We are accepting Manufacturer Coupons ~

Any unused coupons will be donated to The Elwood Library where coupons are being collected and
sorted for military families in need
~ Please NO Store coupons or fast food
restaurant coupons!
The coupon collection box is located on the table outside
the Church Office.


The Nursery Room

CE is proud to announce that this year we will once again have a nursery available for babies through 2 years old.  The Nursery Room will be appropriately equipped for this age group.  With your help this project will help us serve the needs of all our parishioners.
Please prayerfully consider donating one Sunday to help care for our little ones. 
Wouldn’t it be fun to play Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt or Uncle for an hour or so on Sunday?

There will be three other Sunday School classes each week:
• Children from preschool to second grade will meet in the room next to the Nursery on the lower level.
• Children from 3rd grade through 6th grade will meet in the Sunday School room next to the church Parlor.
• Seventh through 12th graders will meet in the Parlor.
We will be using the Gospel Light curriculum and young peoples literature written by Jack Crabtree and other noted authors.  Help the CE Committee have another successful year.  Volunteer to teach and/or share your
faith with our young people.

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old
he will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6



 Recovery Zone

The First Presbyterian Church of Greenlawn is a recovery zone for those in and outside the church who are seeking healing.  If you, or anyone you know, would be benefited by a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Al-Anon, or Nar-Anon, please contact the church office, or 12-Step websites,
for meeting times.

  One way to start such a conversation
is to ask:

  • Who goes to 12-Step meetings and in what condition?
  • What happens when they get there?
  • What is sponsorship and why is it so important?

(1) Twelve-Step members go to meetings because they’re a necessity; their very lives depend on them.  Most 12-Steppers attend meetings not because they want to, but because they realize they must.   They need the meetings, the steps, the program and the fellowship for their very survival.
Wouldn’t our church community be stronger if our members had a better sense of how our very lives depend on our continuing participation in Christian faith practices and traditions?   Wouldn’t our commitment levels deepen if we saw ourselves drawn to or compelled by a larger reality than our passing likes and preferences?  Wouldn’t our discipleship become more faithful if we engaged in Christian disciplines out of some inner sense of necessity?
Twelve Step members have a clear sense of what they need saving from (addictive processes), and what they are being saved for (abstinence, sobriety and service).
Wouldn’t our church community be stronger if its members had a better sense of what they are being saved from and for?  Wouldn’t our witness be more effective if every one of us could state in a few words what it is that is we still need saving from and what it is that is saving our lives right now?
Twelve Step members have been sufficiently humbled by the mess they have made of their lives that they don’t see much point in putting on a show anymore that everything’s fine
when it’s not.  
Wouldn’t our church community be stronger if its members achieved a similar honesty regarding the actual condition of their lives rather than how they come across to others?  Wouldn’t the church attract a wider audience if it were recognized as the site where costly truth was regularly spoken?
(2) At their meetings, Twelve-Step members talk not so much about their feelings about things, but about their experience, strength and hope.   They share stories about what they were like, how they are now, and what happened that changed everything around for them.
Wouldn’t our church community be stronger if our own words, before, during and after worship had that same shape and character?
(3) Twelve Step members are encouraged to get sponsors and, when they are ready, to sponsor others; they learn that their helping others who are sick and suffering helps their own sobriety and abstinence.  
Wouldn’t our church community be strengthened if members engaged in more intentional mentoring practices, remembering, of course, that Christ did not come to create spiritual hierarchies among us, but to form inclusive communities characterized by love, service and mutual forbearance?
Diana Butler Bass recently suggested (“The Future of Faith”) that those of us who care about our churches’ survival may need to hear what is being said on the street about conventional religiosity and church life, and to make some appropriate changes. She dared to suggest that “Right now, the church does not need to convert the world.  Rather, the world needs to convert the church.”
Perhaps our 12-Step guests who make use of our buildings for meetings, and who may or may not join us for worship (after all, anonymity is a central 12-Step tradition!), can help our church in its own conversion.  Maybe they can help us to celebrate our distinctive sacrament of defeat, and to discover again at the Cross a Power for life that becomes available only in
utter surrender, “not my will, but thine.”



 A Message from the Stewardship Committee

We choose to join churches because we are inescapably drawn to our Creator. We want to learn, understand, and share the love of God. If you've chosen the First Presbyterian Church of Greenlawn, you're part of Christ's body in this place.
As Martin Luther said, "Anyone who is to find Christ must first find the church. How could anyone know where Christ is and what faith in him is unless he knew where his believers are?"
When you receive your Stewardship letter this year, please consider pledging your financial support, but also think about what action you'd like to take in gratitude for the love God has for you.

Thoughts on Stewardship
“As followers of Jesus today, we cannot keep our money and our faith in separate compartments. By putting our money where our faith is, we tell the world what we really believe.”
(Eva Stimson, editor of Presbyterians Today).…
People give money not because the church has needs but because the church meets needs.

Send Somebody

  There was once a little church that had only four members named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.  
One day there was a really important job to be done in that little church and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.  Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.  Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job.  Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it.  It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.


 This is Your Church
As Christians, we are called to serve God by serving others. Here at Greenlawn, many members respond to that call by
volunteering their time and talents in one or more of the activities that support our church and community.  Volunteers care for our church and facilities, participate in our worship and music services, nurture each other in times of need, and reach out to lend a helping hand in communities
near and far. 

Ask yourself :
“How is God calling Me to His Service?”


Here is what some mighty fine people have said about VOLUNTEERING. 
They can’t all be wrong.

“Everyone can be great because everyone can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t even have to make your subject and verb agree to serve . . .you only need a heart full of grace.” 
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.  
1John 3:18

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.  1Peter 4:10

Volunteers are not paid -- not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless. ~Anon

If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else. ~ Booker T. Washington   

The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others. ~Ghandi  

“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” ~Albert Schweitzer

“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.” ~Mark Twain

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ~William James

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.” ~Edward Everett Hale

“Not only must we be good, but we must also be good for something.” ~Henry David Thoreau

Volunteering is not a choice, it's a responsibility.   ~Anon




Steeple Chimes Deadline

Is the third Monday of each month.  
Our Administrative Assistant is always looking for poems, articles,
stories of faith, and up-coming events
to share with all of you through your newsletter.

Items for Steeple Chimes can be left in the
Steeple Chimes mailbox or
emailed to the church office at

Thank you for contributing to YOUR church newsletter.


Click Here to read about our
Church's History

The First Presbyterian Church of Greenlawn

On August 30, 1872 The First Presbyterian Church of Greenlawn was incorporated.  The original, “little white church,” was dedicated in November 1878 and served the community until 1960; when it was torn down to make way for the current sanctuary.  Ground was broken for the new church in November 1960, the cornerstone ceremony was held in May 1961, and the dedication service was held on December 2, 1962.
We would like to recognize and thank the following members of the church who have faithfully served our church and the Lord for 50 years and longer.  
(Call the church office if you would like to celebrate with and for them).

Have You Named the First Presbyterian
Church of Greenlawn in Your Will?
Click here to view article

Where There’s A Will There’s A Way

Although the idea of inheriting the kingdom of God comes up only a few times in the letters of Paul (1 Cor 6:9-10, 15:50; Gal 5:21), it was his way of describing the future that is in store for those who are in Christ.  In Paul’s theology, “inheriting the kingdom of God” refers to our final heavenly existence when believers inherit the heavenly likeness of Christ himself,
when the Son hands over the kingdom to the Father, and God is
“all in all” (1 Cor. 15:24-25).
One of the things we do when we gather for worship is read God’s will so that all God’s children may know what their inheritance is.  In our time, as in Paul’s, there are lots of folk who don’t expect to hear their names read out loud, and so they never show up for the reading.  As Christ’s evangelists, we share with all God’s children God’s invitation to come, hear and celebrate as all of our names
are called. 

We will make that invitation to our family, friends, and neighbors because we know firsthand how wonderful it is to hear our own names on the lips of our Lord. We will make that invitation because we know the energy and purpose that is ours when we hear the words, “Dear child of God, this is yours.  Now go do something with it to bring blessing to my broken world.”    We will make that invitation because we know that when there’s a will there’s a way.

Have You Named the First Presbyterian Church
of Greenlawn in Your Will?

A properly executed will permits you to accomplish goals even after your passing.  One of those goals may be to create a legacy for the First Presbyterian Church of Greenlawn. 
A bequest in your will might be a specified amount, a percentage of your estate, or a residual amount (after expenses and other bequests have been deducted).
Speak with your attorney about how best to include the First Presbyterian Church of Greenlawn in your will given your special circumstances.  Although your attorney can assist you with specific language, here is some typical language that might help you get the conversation started with your attorney.
General Bequest.   A general bequest is among the most popular ways to make a planned gift.  In a general bequest, you leave a specified dollar amount: “I give _________ (insert dollar amount) to the First Presbyterian Church of Greenlawn, 497 Pulaski Rd, Greenlawn, NY 11740 as an unrestricted gift.
Percentage of Estate: You can also designate some portion or percentage of your estate: “I give______ % (insert specific percentage) of my estate to the First Presbyterian Church of Greenlawn, 497 Pulaski Rd., Greenlawn, NY 11740, after all debts, taxes, expenses, and all other bequests have been paid as an
unrestricted gift.”
Residuary Bequest.  You can also designate what some describe as a residuary bequest: “I give the remainder of the property I own at death to the First Presbyterian Church of Greenlawn, 497 Pulaski Rd, Greenlawn, NY 11740, after all debts, taxes, expenses and all other bequests
have been paid as an unrestricted gift.”

The First Presbyterian Church of Greenlawn has a proud heritage, and your gifts and bequests can assure its continuance into the future.  Thank you for keeping the promise of that future in your prayers.


An Additional Scripture Reading
     Betty Chatfield submitted this scripture reading which, unfortunately, did not fit on the Prayer Corner page.

Since this is the kind of life we have chosen,
the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads
or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives.  
That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse.  We have far more interesting things
to do with our lives.  Each of us is an original. 
~Galatians 5:22-26 Message Bible

Two Poems
     Leonora Colletti submitted the following two poems, which are related to one another.  The first one is very famous; the second one is a take-off on the first.

Author: Carolyn Joyce Carty

One night a man had a dream.  He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.  For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and
saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it:  "LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way.  But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you
most you would leave me."

The LORD replied: "My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you.  During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."




Author: Unknown

One night I had a wondrous dream,
One set of footprints there was seen,
The footprints of my precious Lord,
But mine were not along the shore.

But then some stranger prints appeared,
And I asked the Lord, "What have we here?"
Those prints are large and round and neat,
"But Lord they are too big for feet."

"My child," He said in somber tones,
"For miles I carried you alone.
I challenged you to walk in faith,
But you refused and made me wait."

"You disobeyed, you would not grow,
The walk of faith, you would not know.
So I got tired, I got fed up,
and there I dropped you on your butt."

"Because in life, there comes a time,
when one must fight, and one must climb.
When one must rise and take a stand,
or leave their butt prints in the sand."




Missions Committee Spotlight:
Christian Appalachian Project
     The Missions Committee is focusing on five charities this year, in addition to our four Presbyterian offerings.  Two are local charities (Huntington Hands Rescue Mission and Harry Chapin’s Long Island Cares); one is a local youth project (Long Island Youth Mentoring); one is a national charity (Christian Appalachian Project); and one is international (Mercy Ships).
     This article focuses on our national charity: Christian Appalachian Project.
     For over 50 years, Christian Appalachian project (CAP) has served the people of Appalachia by building hope, transforming lives, and sharing Christ’s love.
     Their work started when Rev. Ralph Beiting, a Catholic Priest from northern Kentucky, was assigned to pastor a large portion of east-central Kentucky.  Through his outreach, he witnessed tremendous poverty in Appalachia.  He saw children weak from hunger, families beaten down by hardship, seniors living in fear and isolation, and communities desperate for hope.
     With the help of family and friends, he provided food, clothing, and other essentials to neighbors in need.  What started small quickly grew, and Christian Appalachian Project
was founded in 1964.
     Through donor support, dedicated volunteers, and a selfless staff, CAP now touches the lives of more than one million people each year.  By working with other local food banks and humanitarian service providers, their reach extends to parts of all 13 states in the Appalachian region, including Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.
     Each life that is lifted up reflects Christ’s love and the generous spirit of their supporters.  More information is available on







Click here to view pdf of
order form to print/mail.







       Services of Worship:

  Services of Worship:

  • June 2: Jesus was a rule-breaker in many ways.  The sermon was called, “Doing the Right Thing, Even If It Means Breaking the Rules.”  The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was celebrated.
  • June 9: “Who Is Our Family?”  Not necessarily our blood relatives.  Our family members are those, like us, who seek to do the will of God.
  • June 16: Father’s Day Sunday.  We thanked God for the great gift of fathers and other men who have touched our lives.
  • June 23: “Quiet in the Storm.”  God does not promise to quiet the storms.  God promises to give us the strength to withstand them.    
  • June 30: “What’s the Use?”  When things happen that are beyond our ability to control or change, being a person of faith is always the best choice.
  • July 7: The Service had a patriotic theme.  Our sermon concerned the greatest of all commandments: Love Your Neighbor as You Love Yourself.”  The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was celebrated.
  • July 14:  Dr. Don Russo explored passages from Matthew in a sermon called, “What Law?  Who Said?”
  • July 21: “Like a Shepherd, Like Sheep.”  We were encouraged to follow our one and only Good Shepherd who brings light and healing to our world.
  • July 28: The feeding of the 5000 is indeed a familiar story.  In “A Treasure in a Familiar Story,” we looked at the reading in terms of the compassion that Jesus had for the hungry crowd.
  • August 4: In a sermon titled “Bread from Heaven,” we explored the difference between bread that nourishes the body and bread that nourishes the soul. 
  • Melissa Maravell was our guest soloist.  The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
  • was celebrated. 
  • August 11: We continue with Jesus’ discourse on “I Am the Bread of Life.
  • August 18: “Kairos Living in a Chronos World:  We will talk about clock and calendar time (Chronos) as opposed to the time of opportunity, when we lose all thoughts of time (Kairos).  Guess which one has to do with God!
  • August 25: “Home Runs and Re-Runs.”  The sermon that hit a home run with our congregation that they voted to gear again was “Doing the Right Thing, Even If It Means Breaking the Rules.”

Upcoming Services:

  • September 1:  We observe Labor Day Weekend by discerning, “Do we work too much?”  The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated. 
  • September 8:   “Ephphatha – Be Opened!”  With those words, Jesus opens the ears of a deaf person.  Are our ears opened enough to hear the Word of God?
  • September 15:  “Who do You Say That I Am?”  Jesus’ resumé can be either wonderful or terrible, depending on how you look at it. We’ll look at both sides.
  • September 22:  “Wisdom from Above.”  Let’s try not to rely only on ourselves for wisdom.  God is always there for us.
  • September 29:  “Be Like Esther.”  God gave us the ability to solve most of our problems.  We will look at how Esther solved the problem of an almost hopeless situation.


Congregational Care Committee
     Our Congregational Care Committee, under the leadership of Arlissa Dean, meets on an informal basis to discuss the
needs of our members and
how the committee can assist.
     Do you have a heart for caring for others?  Talk to Arlissa about joining this kind and helpful group.



Bell Choir
     Good news!  After an absence of many years, we’re going to start up our Bell Choir again, with Marian Adams leading us. 
    The ability to read music is very helpful; please speak to Marian during Coffee Hour if you are interested in joining.  Rehearsals will take place in the daytime during the week, and will be starting soon. 

bell choir graphic


Pastoral Visits   

     If you are admitted to a hospital, please have someone contact the Church Officechalice_bread, or, Pastor Ann directly, so she may visit you.  Because of privacy issues, hospitals will not notify us if you
have been admitted.
     Our Pastor makes regular visits to church members in nursing homes.  Again, if you are admitted to a nursing home, please contact us.
     Homebound church members are invited to make an appointment for a pastoral visit and/or Communion.  Please e-mail Pastor Ann at
to set up a mutually agreeable time.



Honor Thy Father
     As is our tradition, we placed photos of our Dads and other important men in our life on the Communion Table for Father’s Day.  This was an opportunity for us to thank God for the wonderful gift of fathers.


Plastic Bag Recycling Program
     We have learned that the local Girl Scouts are collecting plastic bags, which will eventually be turned into earth-friendly park benches.  We have set up a box to accept these bags.  A volunteer will take the bags to the Elwood Library, which is serving as a collection point.
Please feel free to deposit the following bags:

  • Produce bags, store bags
  • Ice bags, cereal box liners
  • Ziploc and other re-closable bags
  • Bread bags, newspaper sleeves, Dry cleaning bags, bubble wrap 


Craig Schulman Concert a Rousing Success!
gregshulman     The first of our fund-raising concerts for a new organ was a success beyond our wildest dreams.  On Sunday, June 9, Broadway personality (and Commack native) Craig Schulman brought his favorite Broadway songs to an enthusiastic and appreciative audience, and followed with a “meet and greet” where he talked about his background and career.
     Invited to represent the U.S. at the 10th Anniversary of Les Miserables in London, Craig Schulman is the only actor in the world to have portrayed three of the greatest musical theatre roles: The Phantom in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera, Jean Valjean in Les Miserables, and the title roles in Jekyll and Hyde.  He has appeared with leading opera companies around the country, singing leading tenor roles in The Tales of Hoffman, Tosca, Madame Butterfly, Carmen, Die Fledermaus, La Bohéme, La Traviata, The Crucible, and Manon. 
     As a college professor, he has taught acting at Sacred Heart University, and presents voice and musical theatre master classes at high schools and colleges.  You may learn more by visiting his website: .
marieandgreg     Our congregation is deeply appreciative to both Craig Schulman and Fran Roberts for presenting this outstanding musical experience.  



Craig Schulman and his former music teacher, Frances C. Roberts, who arranged for his appearance and accompanied the concert.
Summers at Greenlawn Presbyterian
     Here at FPC Greenlawn, we “kick back” a bit in the summer.  We worship informally in our air-conditioned Parlor, where comfortable seating includes couches
and rocking chairs.
     Our Fellowship Director, Debbie Eitel, has started a new tradition of
having “Ice Cream Hour” (as opposed to “Coffee Hour”) the last Sunday of the month.  This has gone over extremely well with the congregation, and we hope this new tradition will extend into the fall.



PeacePolephotoPeace Pole Planted at FPCG
 Honoring 150th Anniversary

   Peace Pole Dedicated
     Our new Peace Pole, a 150th Anniversary gift from Pastor Ann and Bob Van Cleef, was dedicated as part of our Anniversary celebration on Sunday, October 23.  Our Peace Pole declares “May Peace Prevail on earth” in eight different languages:

  • English – the language of the United States as well as the language of England, the country that gave birth to us.
  • Spanish – the language of Central and much of South America, and the language of many who are living in our area today.
  • Hebrew – one of the languages of the Bible, and the language of Judaism, one of the three Abrahamic faiths.
  • Greek – one of the languages of the Bible, and the language of many of our neighbors in Huntington Town.
  • German – the language of science and learning, and the ancestral language of many of Greenlawn’s citizens.
  • Korean – The language of 650 Korean Presbyterian churches in the United States today, the result of the mission outreach of the Presbyterian Church on the Korean Peninsula.
  • Italian – the language music and culture, and the ancestral language of many of the citizens of our area.
  • French – spoken on five continents, and the international language of diplomacy and dance. 


clothingbinClothing Bin
     Did you know that our church gets paid 10 cents a pound for items that are put into the clothing bin next to our back parking lot?  We receive a check once a week, sometimes for as little as $1.50, and sometimes for as much as $8.00.  Every little bit adds up!
     Additionally, bric-a-brac and kitchen items may be left next to the bin for pickup. Donated items are sent to developing countries, so this is a win-win for everyone involved.



~Robert Schuller

Good morning, God! 
I am so glad that you are my friend.
Together we make a great team. 
I am not afraid of anything
when you are beside me. 
It will be a good day if you
will think through my brain,
 talk through my tongue,
and smile at people through my face. 
In my work or play,
may my friends and even strangers
see that I love you.  Amen.

~Joan Rosenthal
Blessed are they
who work with enthusiasm,
for they shall sleep with ease.

Blessed are they
who continually improve their skills,
for their work shall be an everlasting challenge.

Blessed are they
who encourage their coworkers,
for they shall work among friends.

Blessed are they
who take pride in their work,
for their work shall speak well of them.

It is only through labor and prayerful effort,
by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things. 
~Theodore Roosevelt

That best portion of a good man’s life,
His little, nameless, unremembered
acts of kindness and of love.~William Wordsworth

One ship drives east, and another west
with the self-same winds that blow;
“Tis the set of the sails and not the gales,
which decides the way to go.
Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate;
as the voyage along through life;
“Tis the will of the soul that decides its goal,
and not the calm or the strife.
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

~B. A. Stanley
He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much;
who has gained the respect of intelligent men
and the love of little children;
who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem,
or a rescued soul;
who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it;
who has always looked for the best in others
and given the best he had;
whose life was an inspiration;
whose memory, a benediction.


~Samuel Longfellow
Into all our lives, in many simple, familiar, homely ways, God infuses this element of joy from the surprises of life, which unexpectedly brighten our days, and fill our eyes with light. 

He drops this added sweetness into his children’s cup, and makes it to run over. 

The success we are not counting on, the blessing we were not trying after, the strain of music in the midst of drudgery, the beautiful morning picture
or sunset glory thrown in as we pass to or from our daily business, the unsought word of encouragement or expression of sympathy, the sentence that meant for us more than a writer or speaker thought – these and a hundred others that everyone’s experience can supply are instances of what I mean.~ Submitted by Betty Chatfield

Your prayers make a difference! 
Please lift up the following in prayer:
(Contact the church office or pastor for more information,
or if you
would like to be added to
the e-mail distribution of prayer partne


trebleclef_crossWOMEN’S CHOIR

The Women’s Choir meets every Sunday at 9:45am.
The choir will sing on December 19.
Contact Pastor Ann if you are interested. 


alterflowersAltar Flowers

Each Sunday flowers beautify the Chancel of ourchurch. We would encourage any and all to donate flowers for birthdays, anniversaries, "in memory of', etc. A check for $35 should be made to Greenlawn Presbyterian Church.
To order flowers, please call
the church office (631-261-2150)


Thursday Walkers

Are you interested in walking the talk? 
Some of our members
have formed  a walkers group. 
Weather permitting, we meet
at the church Thursdays at 1:30 pm,
and stroll through the
neighborhood together, getting exercise
and making connection
with one another and with our God who
loves human bodies
so much he became one Himself.  Speak
with Pastor Fred for further details.



Little Free Food Pantry


Our Board of Deacons has voted to install a
Little Free Food Pantry in the front of our church. 
     Very similar to the Little Free Libraries that are so popular, Little Free Food Pantries are a national trend.  The idea is that those who are in need may take
what they need any hour of the day or night, and those who are able to give may place food in the pantry
at any time. 
     By building and installing a Little Free Food Pantry, we will be able to increase our outreach to the community.  We will do this on a trial basis, with hopes that the idea will not be abused. 

Take what you need.
Leave what you can.

Our Little Food Pantry is open 24/7.
It is located in the front garden of the church. 



       I think I still have some unfinished procrastinating to do from yesterday.

Okay.  The bills are washed, the laundry is paid, the clothes are in the oven, and the last load of dinner is in the dryer.  It looks like I got my to-do list finished.

You know you’re getting old when you barely do anything all day, but still need to have a nap to continue to do barely anything.

How to tell you’re an adult:

  • You gain 30 lbs. overnight
  • You’d rather sleep than go out
  • Everything hurts
  • Comfort comes before style
  • You have a favorite spatula
  • Everything feels like a chore
  • College students look like 12-year-olds
  • You’re always annoyed

A shout out to everyone who got through the day without taking a nap.  I pulled an all-dayer yesterday.  It was pretty rough.

Some people forget how to pray until the cop makes a U-turn.

I find it helps to organize chores into categories: Things I won’t do now; Things I won’t do later; Things I’ll never do.

I hate it when people ask if I did anything exciting this week … Like I’m over here skydiving.  I’m old.  I went grocery shopping, did some laundry, ate too much, and now I’m napping.

A scammer called me the other day and said he had all my passwords.  “Thank goodness for that,” I told him.  “What are they?”

My grandson is very particular about the brand of chicken nuggets I feed him … for someone who just ate a crayon.

You know you’re over 50 when you have “upstairs” ibuprofen and “downstairs” ibuprofen.

People ask, “Do I really need Jesus to go to Heaven?”  Honey, you need Jesus just to go to Walmart!

I just failed my driving test.  When the examiner asked me “What sign would you expect to see down a country road?” apparently “Fresh eggs for sale” wasn’t the correct answer.


Reminders for the telephone scams!

  • If someone calls and says “Hi, Grandma,” don’t address him by name.  It’s a scammer asking for money.
  • Your Pastor will NEVER ask you for money or gift cards!
  • If someone calls and asks, “Can you hear me?”  Never say “yes.”  Hang up.
  • Social Security and Medicare will never call you.  They will send you a letter.
  • If “Amazon” calls to ask if you have charged something to your account, just go on line and check your account yourself.  


New Clothing Bin
     The FPCG Session has voted to contract with a new clothing recycling and outreach company.  Very soon, you will see two new and aesthetically pleasing clothing recycling bins set up in our back parking lot.
photolot     The company is called H&M Leasing, and has been vetted and approved by The Presbytery of Long Island.  They will accept used clothing, shoes, toys, and bric-a-brac items (kitchenware, etc.).  The goods are sold to Third World nations where people cannot afford to purchase even inferior new clothing.  This will give people the opportunity to purchase good, clean, usable items at extremely low prices.
     Our church will receive 10 cents a pound for
any items donated, and checks will be sent to
us once a week.
     As you are changing your closets from summer to winter clothing, please put aside any items you don’t need any more.  We will let you know as soon as the new clothing bins are ready.
     Many thanks to Betty Chatfield for working
on this project. 


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